It's a song we sing with our kids and it goes a little something like this...

"I love you (insert your name here),
Oh yes I do,
I love you (insert your name here),
this much is true,
when you're not with me, I'm blue
Oh, (insert your name here) I love you
Oh, (insert your name here) I love you!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

{tooth fairy}

aiden lost a tooth this week...her fifth.  she left this note under her pillow along with the tooth. do you think she wanted money considering she underlined it!

she got $1 from the tooth fairy and left this note on the bookshelf the next night before bed. 

she was a little irritated the next morning when the fairy hadn't taken the note.  she decided it was because the fairy maybe looked on her desk (where she found the money) instead of the bookshelf where she told the tooth fairy to leave the money in the first place!

i'm thrilled that tooth is out.  making school lunches should be much easier this week now that she can chew again!

1 comment:

  1. how sweet!

    *I make the inspiration boards in photoshop.


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