It's a song we sing with our kids and it goes a little something like this...

"I love you (insert your name here),
Oh yes I do,
I love you (insert your name here),
this much is true,
when you're not with me, I'm blue
Oh, (insert your name here) I love you
Oh, (insert your name here) I love you!

Monday, December 5, 2011

{family pics...some outtakes}

our dear friend kate took pictures of the kids easy task. 

here are some outtakes.  not exactly frame worthy, but make me laugh out loud for sure!


kids wrestling, laughing, not cooperating, making silly faces...generally not interested in picture taking.  (although miles does seem to be posing like a champ in that last photo!)  this is our life.  and while i do wish we had a model perfect family photo, these tell the story of our family so perfectly.  this is real life...ours anyway.  these kids crack me up and bring me unbelievable joy and i am thankful for them (and their crazy antics!)

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